As I've stated before, I live in Florida. As I've also stated before the beach is my favorite place in the world to be. It is the salty smell of the warm air coming across the waves. It is the warm sand, cradling my foot and feeling and looking like baby powder. It is the bubbles that tickle my toes down by the water where the waves lap the shore. After being there for just a few minutes I feel my mind calming, I listen to my breath as it is in rythm now with the waves. I'm free!
No words are really enough. No words quite explain what we have here. I know we all have taken it for granted a bit. It really hit me yesterday when my daughter sent me a picture of my grandson on the beach holding a tar ball. The look on his innocent face said it all. He asked me later, "MeMe what are we gonna do"?
He loves the beach. He would go everyday if some of us would take him. It is just a big wonderful playground for him. The look on his face said it all. His body did the rest of the conversation. His shoulders went down. He was no longer running and playing. He looked at me and asked, "Meemze, is the bay safe"? I wanted to say yes baby I'm sure it will be safe. But I couldn't. I had to have a conversation with him that no grandparent should. Explaining we just don't know what will and won't be safe just yet." Time will tell, and I followed that by "this too shall pass Buddy." I wish I could read his mind. Did I explain enough?
I'm upset that we have to try to explain something so horriffic as this to him and expect his five year old understanding to comprehend it.
Here are some pictures of my beloved Gulf Coast of Florida. Maybe just maybe if all the great minds in the world can't come up with a solution we shouldn't have/or should never drill that deep anymore. Just enjoy the pictures. And pray we will find answers soon. Because all of us children just don't understand why? Why did it happen? Why can't they fix it? How long will it last? but it will pass as all things do.
Godspeed everyone.
update: I was at the beach pictures above today and no visible sign of oil. Teams were walking the beach and so did I but no sign of oil anywhere.